I went from leading design teams in tech to pursing art and creative projects full-time, with some investing and advising on the side. The common thread between what I do is finding ways to increase human connection.
Talking about friendship, painting words onto clothing, I want to make it easier for us to understand one another - to discover each other and our selves.
Briefest of Work Histories
Head of Payments Design at Stripe
Head of Design at Coinbase
Product Designer at Facebook
Design Director at PopCap Games
Public Speaking
Ignite Talks
Figma Config
TEDxCulver Academy
Ethereum Devcon
(there’s more)
Podcast Interviews
Distributed (Guest Host)- with Dylan Field
DesignMBA - Design Management
Privacy is the New Celebrity
Becoming Friends
Design is the Killer App for Crypto
Field Guide to Egg Freezing
Naoshima & Teshima Japan
Doing 52 Resolutions in 1 Year
Some Life Milestones
0 - Born in Beijing
3 - Moved to the midwest
5 - [Lonely socially awkward childhood]
11 - Started making websites
12 - First cat (Snowball)
17 - Co-president of anime club
22 - Stint in Shanghai
28 - Moved to San Francisco
29 - First Burning Man
30s - [Awkward adulthood, but so many more friends]
∞ - Become an artist ✨